Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
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Saturday, November 20, 2010
宋朝时期,中国文坛活跃着一个杰出的人物。他既是著名的诗人、词人,在书法上也很有造诣,为 “ 宋四家 ” 之一。他还担任朝廷要职,宋元佑年间,他已官居太史,一时间显贵闻名天下,但人们未必知道他是一个大孝子,他就是黄庭坚。
He washed the closet stool for his mother personally every evening and never forgot his duty as a son.
Huang Tingjian was a man of Fenning (today's Xiushui, Jiangxi) in the period of the Song Dynasty. He was a famous poet and calligrapher. Although he was a high-ranking official, he attended upon his mother piously.
He washed the closet stool for his mother personally every evening and never forgot his duty as a son.
临行时,他告知家人自己的决定,发誓说: “ 找不到母亲,我今生今世绝不回家 !” 这一次,他将寻母的重点放在秦地 ( 今陕西 ) 。
后来,历尽千辛万苦的他,终于在同州 ( 今陕西大荔县 ) 寻找到了自己的母亲。当时刘氏已经七十多岁了。
朱寿昌弃官寻母的孝行,在当时社会引起轰动。著名政治家、文学家王安石、苏轼等人都赋诗作文大加赞扬。常言道: “ 精诚所至,金石为开。 ” 朱寿昌一片真诚的孝母之心,终于使得五十年后母子团聚,不但可贺,而且可敬。
乌鸦尚知 “ 反哺 ” ,古人朱寿昌时隔五十年依然一心寻亲,并诚尽孝道。那些几十年前出走海外的华人总是想方设法地寻找自己在大陆的父母双亲,寻找自己遗落在祖国的根。
He finally met his biological mother and two younger brothers in Shanzhou. They reunited happily and returned together. His mother was already more than 70 years old at that time.
临行时,他告知家人自己的决定,发誓说: “ 找不到母亲,我今生今世绝不回家 !” 这一次,他将寻母的重点放在秦地 ( 今陕西 ) 。
后来,历尽千辛万苦的他,终于在同州 ( 今陕西大荔县 ) 寻找到了自己的母亲。当时刘氏已经七十多岁了。
朱寿昌弃官寻母的孝行,在当时社会引起轰动。著名政治家、文学家王安石、苏轼等人都赋诗作文大加赞扬。常言道: “ 精诚所至,金石为开。 ” 朱寿昌一片真诚的孝母之心,终于使得五十年后母子团聚,不但可贺,而且可敬。
乌鸦尚知 “ 反哺 ” ,古人朱寿昌时隔五十年依然一心寻亲,并诚尽孝道。那些几十年前出走海外的华人总是想方设法地寻找自己在大陆的父母双亲,寻找自己遗落在祖国的根。
Zhu Shouchang was a man of the Song Dynasty.
When he was seven years old, his natural mother Madam Liu was envied by his father’s first wife and had to remarry another man, he lost contact with his mother in 50 years.
In the period of Emperor Shen Zong, Zhu Shouchang became an official in the imperial palace, he wrote a sutra in blood and went around to seek his mother. After he got the clue, he decided to resign from his post and go to Shaanxi to seek her and vowed never to return without finding her.
回到家里,父亲处于弥留之际,情况已明显不好。庾黔娄悄悄向医者询问父亲的病情安危。医者说: “ 现在还不能确定你父亲的病况,但有一个较好的测试办法,就是尝尝他的粪便,如果是苦味,说明他病情好转希望较大。 ”
回到家里,父亲处于弥留之际,情况已明显不好。庾黔娄悄悄向医者询问父亲的病情安危。医者说: “ 现在还不能确定你父亲的病况,但有一个较好的测试办法,就是尝尝他的粪便,如果是苦味,说明他病情好转希望较大。 ”
可是,当时正值数九寒冬,万木凋零,哪有鲜嫩的竹笋啊 ?
或许孝心感动了天地,就在孟宗哀恸得难以自制的时候,竹林里出现了奇迹:在他的泪水飞洒之处,竟然破土冒出一颗颗竹笋来,尖尖的、绿绿的、毛绒绒的,还沾带着露滴呢 ! 孟宗喜出望外,马上掘出几棵竹笋抱回家,精心做成羹汤,端给母亲喝。
孟宗 “ 哭竹生笋 ” 的故事有点神化,但孟宗对母亲的孝敬却是一种真挚的情感。
可是,当时正值数九寒冬,万木凋零,哪有鲜嫩的竹笋啊 ?
或许孝心感动了天地,就在孟宗哀恸得难以自制的时候,竹林里出现了奇迹:在他的泪水飞洒之处,竟然破土冒出一颗颗竹笋来,尖尖的、绿绿的、毛绒绒的,还沾带着露滴呢 ! 孟宗喜出望外,马上掘出几棵竹笋抱回家,精心做成羹汤,端给母亲喝。
孟宗 “ 哭竹生笋 ” 的故事有点神化,但孟宗对母亲的孝敬却是一种真挚的情感。
Meng Zong was a man of Jiangxia in the period of the Three Kingdoms.
His father died when he was young and his mother was old and had a poor health, the doctor asked her to drink soup boiled with fresh bamboo shoots.
It was just cold winter and there were no fresh bamboo shoots.
Meng Zong could do nothing and went to the bamboo forest alone to weep by bamboo, suddenly, he heard the cracking sound of the earth and saw many tender bamboo shoots growing out of the ground.
Meng Zong was extremely happy and took them back to make soup, his mother recovered as expected after drinking the soup. Later he was promoted to the rank of Sikong.
二十四孝的故事中,主人公大多是男性。而扼虎救父的故事,讲的却是一个年仅 14 岁的少女,赤手空拳置老虎于死地,其事迹可歌可泣。
杨香 14 岁这年,曾随同父亲杨丰去田里割稻,忽然蹿出一只大老虎,扑向杨丰,一口将他叼住。杨香急坏了,一心只想着父亲安危的她,完全忘了自己与老虎的力量悬殊。
这则故事同样让人喟叹不已。杨香的父亲被老虎叼去,摆在她面前的只有两条路:一条是不管父亲,自己拔腿逃命; 另一条就是赤手空拳地与老虎搏斗。对于年仅 14 岁小女孩来说,选择后者显然不自量力,可以说几乎没有生还的希望。
爱的力量是伟大的, 亘古如斯, 即使愈来愈发达的现代文明社会和遥远的将来亦会如此。父母对子女的爱为舔犊之情,子女对父母的爱以道德的形式体现便是孝。
Yang Xiang was a man of the Jin Dynasty.
He went to the field to harvest rice with father when he was 14 years old, suddenly a fierce tiger ran out, threw his father on the ground and carried him away in its mouth.
Yang Xiang was barehanded at the time, but he jumped in front of the tiger to save his father without giving consideration to his own safety and tried his best to strangle the throat of the fierce tiger.
The tiger finally dropped his father and ran away.
杨香 14 岁这年,曾随同父亲杨丰去田里割稻,忽然蹿出一只大老虎,扑向杨丰,一口将他叼住。杨香急坏了,一心只想着父亲安危的她,完全忘了自己与老虎的力量悬殊。
这则故事同样让人喟叹不已。杨香的父亲被老虎叼去,摆在她面前的只有两条路:一条是不管父亲,自己拔腿逃命; 另一条就是赤手空拳地与老虎搏斗。对于年仅 14 岁小女孩来说,选择后者显然不自量力,可以说几乎没有生还的希望。
爱的力量是伟大的, 亘古如斯, 即使愈来愈发达的现代文明社会和遥远的将来亦会如此。父母对子女的爱为舔犊之情,子女对父母的爱以道德的形式体现便是孝。
Yang Xiang was a man of the Jin Dynasty.
He went to the field to harvest rice with father when he was 14 years old, suddenly a fierce tiger ran out, threw his father on the ground and carried him away in its mouth.
Yang Xiang was barehanded at the time, but he jumped in front of the tiger to save his father without giving consideration to his own safety and tried his best to strangle the throat of the fierce tiger.
The tiger finally dropped his father and ran away.
Friday, November 19, 2010
吴猛是晋朝豫章 ( 今江西南昌人 ) 。从小就非常孝顺父母。吴猛家里很贫穷,床榻上没有蚊帐。南方蚊子多,每到夏天,又大又黑的蚊子咬得一家人睡不好觉。
吴猛认为蚊子吸饱了自己身上的血,便不会去叮咬父母,八岁孩童的这种想法真是可笑,却让人笑不出来。虽然其法不可取 , 但只有对父母爱到极点,才会有 “ 痴傻 ” 的行为,这是一颗多么纯净的童心啊 !
从一个孩童的心灵表现出人性的纯真一面, 即是孝,这种骨肉之情的孝,是人类最基本的情感。
Wu Meng was a man of Puyang in the period of the Jin Dynasty. He knew how to show filial respect to his parents when he was just 8 years old.
His family was poor and had no mosquito tent, his father could not sleep for mosquito biting.
Every summer, Wu Meng sat with a bare body before his father's bed and didn’t drive away mosquitoes however they bit him because he was afraid mosquitoes would leave him to bite his father instead.
吴猛认为蚊子吸饱了自己身上的血,便不会去叮咬父母,八岁孩童的这种想法真是可笑,却让人笑不出来。虽然其法不可取 , 但只有对父母爱到极点,才会有 “ 痴傻 ” 的行为,这是一颗多么纯净的童心啊 !
从一个孩童的心灵表现出人性的纯真一面, 即是孝,这种骨肉之情的孝,是人类最基本的情感。
Wu Meng was a man of Puyang in the period of the Jin Dynasty. He knew how to show filial respect to his parents when he was just 8 years old.
His family was poor and had no mosquito tent, his father could not sleep for mosquito biting.
Every summer, Wu Meng sat with a bare body before his father's bed and didn’t drive away mosquitoes however they bit him because he was afraid mosquitoes would leave him to bite his father instead.
晋朝初年,有个孝子官至太保,爵封睢陵公,尊宠之极。其人便是以 “ 卧冰求鲤 ” 著称的王祥。
一年冬天,朱氏突然想吃鲜鱼。当时正值隆冬,天寒地冻的,所有河流湖泊都结了厚厚的冰,到哪儿去弄鲜鱼呀 ? 王祥为了使继母满足,不顾寒冷,毅然来到河边,脱去外衣,躺倒在冰上,用自己的血肉之躯去融化那坚硬厚实的冰块。他身下的冰渐渐融化了,他已冻得麻木不堪。
这时,出现了奇迹:只听 “ 扑扑 ” 两声响,冰面自动裂开了一条缝,往外蹦出两条活蹦乱跳的鲤鱼。王祥捉住鲤鱼,别提心里多高兴了。他赶紧回家,给后母做了一顿鲜美可口的鲤鱼汤。看着后娘吃得津津有味的,他心里感到莫大的宽慰和幸福。
Wang Xiang lived in seclusion for more than 20 years and later was appointed Grand Sinong, Sikong and Chief Commander.
一年冬天,朱氏突然想吃鲜鱼。当时正值隆冬,天寒地冻的,所有河流湖泊都结了厚厚的冰,到哪儿去弄鲜鱼呀 ? 王祥为了使继母满足,不顾寒冷,毅然来到河边,脱去外衣,躺倒在冰上,用自己的血肉之躯去融化那坚硬厚实的冰块。他身下的冰渐渐融化了,他已冻得麻木不堪。
这时,出现了奇迹:只听 “ 扑扑 ” 两声响,冰面自动裂开了一条缝,往外蹦出两条活蹦乱跳的鲤鱼。王祥捉住鲤鱼,别提心里多高兴了。他赶紧回家,给后母做了一顿鲜美可口的鲤鱼汤。看着后娘吃得津津有味的,他心里感到莫大的宽慰和幸福。
晋代王祥不计前嫌,想方设法令后娘高兴,尽显了孝道,实为感人。面对父母,你敢大声地说 “ 你的快乐就是我最大的幸福 ” 吗?成长至今,你为父母做过多少件令父母高兴的事情呢?
Wang Lang was a man of Langya, his mother died early. His step-mother Madam Zhu spoke ill of him to his father for many times, so he lost his father’s love.
When his parents were ill, he attended to them without a sleep. Once his step-mother wanted to eat live carps in cold winter and he unbuttoned his clothes and lied prone on the ice.
The ice suddenly melted naturally and two carps jumped out. After his step-mother ate them, she recovered.
唐朝崔山南的曾祖母长孙夫人,年龄大,牙齿都脱落了,吃东西很不方便。祖母唐夫人 ( 即崔唐氏 ) 很有孝心。每天,她总是第一个起床,帮婆婆穿衣服,替婆婆洗脸、梳头。接着,她小心翼翼地将婆婆搀扶到厅堂坐下,一口一口地喂婆婆喝奶。
一天长孙夫人因年事过高而卧病不起了。她知道自己不久将离开人世,便把全家老小召集到病床前,拉着唐氏的手说: “ 我没有什么能报答媳妇你的恩德,只愿你的儿媳妇、孙媳妇也都会像你一样,恭敬孝顺,我就心满意足了。 ”
这是一个四代同堂的大家庭, 作为崔山南的祖母崔唐氏, 在这个家庭中已属尊长之辈了。 但她对自己的婆婆,仍如孝子贤孙一样。她的孝行不但使婆婆长孙夫人长寿,也为自己的子孙作出了孝敬老人的榜样。
她的后代子孙即使发达显贵,仍对她和其他长辈非常孝顺,这就是以身作则的善果。所以后人有诗道: “ 孝顺还生孝顺子,忤逆还生忤逆儿。不信但看檐前雨, 点点滴滴不差移。 ”
俗言道: “ 一代人做给一代人看 ” , 在孝道上, 以身作则,弥足重要。长辈的孝行就是晚辈的楷模。
Later Cui Shannan became a high-ranking official and he was pious to his Grandma Madam Tang just as Madam Zhangsun had expected.
一天长孙夫人因年事过高而卧病不起了。她知道自己不久将离开人世,便把全家老小召集到病床前,拉着唐氏的手说: “ 我没有什么能报答媳妇你的恩德,只愿你的儿媳妇、孙媳妇也都会像你一样,恭敬孝顺,我就心满意足了。 ”
这是一个四代同堂的大家庭, 作为崔山南的祖母崔唐氏, 在这个家庭中已属尊长之辈了。 但她对自己的婆婆,仍如孝子贤孙一样。她的孝行不但使婆婆长孙夫人长寿,也为自己的子孙作出了孝敬老人的榜样。
她的后代子孙即使发达显贵,仍对她和其他长辈非常孝顺,这就是以身作则的善果。所以后人有诗道: “ 孝顺还生孝顺子,忤逆还生忤逆儿。不信但看檐前雨, 点点滴滴不差移。 ”
俗言道: “ 一代人做给一代人看 ” , 在孝道上, 以身作则,弥足重要。长辈的孝行就是晚辈的楷模。
Cui Shannan was a man of Boling (in today’s Hebei) in the period of the Tang Dynasty. He was a local official of Shannan Xidao and people nicknamed him "Shannan".
His great grandma Madam Zhangsun was old and without teeth and his grandma Madam Tang was very pious. She fed her mother-in-law with her milk every day after taking a bath and did this for many years.
Later, Madam Zhangsun didn't eat other food and was still healthy. When she was ill, Madam Zhangsun summoned all her family members and said: "I have nothing to thank my daughter-in-law and just hope her children and grand children would be as pious to her as she is to me."
Thursday, November 18, 2010
三国时魏国的王裒,小小年纪便懂得敬重、孝顺父母。他的 父亲王仪因正直敢言,被骄横跋扈的晋王司马昭无辜杀害。
小王裒在母亲的抚育下渐渐长大,他将全部的爱心和孝心放到了母亲身上。除了亲自照料母亲的饮食起 居,他还常陪她说话,逗她开心,以解除老人精神上的孤独和凄苦。
母亲病了,他日夜侍候在床前,衣不解带地喂汤喂药,母亲生性害怕打雷,每当下雨打雷的时 候,他便将门窗关得严严实实的,拉着她的手,绝不离开半步。
他惦记着母亲怕雷的事情,每当刮风下雨的天气,一听到轰隆隆的雷声,便狂奔到父母的墓地,跪拜着哭诉说: “ 儿子王裒在此,母亲您千万别怕 !”
王裒对父母的感情可谓至深至厚,每当读到《诗经.蓼莪》这 — 篇中 “ 哀哀父母,生我劬劳 ” 两句时,他都会反复颂读,禁不住泪如雨下,悲不能自已。
Wang Pou was a man of Yingling (today's southeast Changle, Shandong) in the period of Kingdoms Wei and Jin.
He was knowledgeable and capable, his father Wang Yi was killed by Sima Zhao and he secluded himself and made a living by teaching.
He never sat towards the west in his life and vowed never to submit himself to the rule of Kingdom Jin. His mother feared thunder when she was alive and was buried in a mountain forest when she was dead.
Whenever Wang Pou heard thunder, he went to his mother's tomb, knelt down and comforted her by saying: "Pou is here and Mother needn’t fear."
When he taught, he was often all in tears and thought of his parents whenever he read the article Liaoe.
小王裒在母亲的抚育下渐渐长大,他将全部的爱心和孝心放到了母亲身上。除了亲自照料母亲的饮食起 居,他还常陪她说话,逗她开心,以解除老人精神上的孤独和凄苦。
母亲病了,他日夜侍候在床前,衣不解带地喂汤喂药,母亲生性害怕打雷,每当下雨打雷的时 候,他便将门窗关得严严实实的,拉着她的手,绝不离开半步。
他惦记着母亲怕雷的事情,每当刮风下雨的天气,一听到轰隆隆的雷声,便狂奔到父母的墓地,跪拜着哭诉说: “ 儿子王裒在此,母亲您千万别怕 !”
王裒对父母的感情可谓至深至厚,每当读到《诗经.蓼莪》这 — 篇中 “ 哀哀父母,生我劬劳 ” 两句时,他都会反复颂读,禁不住泪如雨下,悲不能自已。
看了这个故事,让人心里久久不能平伏。不是因为故事情节有多么引人入胜, 多么惊心动魄,仅仅是因为主人公对父母的一片热爱与孝敬。每个人对父母孝顺的体现在形式、行为上都不一样,关键是能不能细心观察,急父母之所需,想父母之所想。
王裒知道母亲最怕打雷 , 所以每每打雷都会寸步不离母亲,且对母亲生前如此,死后亦然。设想,如果父亲喜欢下棋,那么我们便可以泡两杯清茶,和父亲对弈几盘;若母亲喜爱热闹,那么假日时邀上几位好友到家来,和母亲一起下厨做几道好菜, 一来可以和朋友聚 , 二来我们也和母亲有了沟通的机会,排遣母亲的寂寞。
古人云: “ 子欲养而亲不在 ” 。趁着双亲俱在,多多关怀他们,才是我们最需要做的。
He was knowledgeable and capable, his father Wang Yi was killed by Sima Zhao and he secluded himself and made a living by teaching.
He never sat towards the west in his life and vowed never to submit himself to the rule of Kingdom Jin. His mother feared thunder when she was alive and was buried in a mountain forest when she was dead.
Whenever Wang Pou heard thunder, he went to his mother's tomb, knelt down and comforted her by saying: "Pou is here and Mother needn’t fear."
When he taught, he was often all in tears and thought of his parents whenever he read the article Liaoe.
有一天狂风暴雨肆虐,天气十分恶劣。庞氏仍如往常一样前 往沱江担水,但风雨实在太大,瘦小的庞氏如何受得了,于是昏倒在江边。
好不容易才醒过来,又赶忙提起桶,重新打了江水往回赶,因为回家太晚,婆婆却有点不 通情理,责骂了她,但她毫无怨言,反而侍奉得更殷勤了。
婆婆还有一个爱好,她特爱吃鱼,并要人陪着,声称那样吃 才有味道,夫妇俩尽力满足老人的嗜好,每天都烧鱼给母亲吃,并请来邻家的老大娘陪着她一块儿吃。
三五天无所谓,时间长了可就麻烦了,庞氏每天又要担水,又 要烧鱼,忙都忙不过来,而且还要经常买鱼,经济也承受不了,可又不敢怠慢母亲,这可怎么办呢 ?
说来也就奇了,正当他们一筹莫展时,他们家屋后突然冒出了 — 股泉水来,泉水如同沱江水一样清澈、甘甜,而且每天清晨,泉水里一定会冒出两条大鲤鱼,活蹦乱跳的,夫妻俩高兴极了,每天用新鲜的泉水和鲜嫩的鲤鱼孝敬母亲,不敢有丝毫松懈。
孝道孝行不是一时的心血来潮,而是出于永恒的真诚。 “ 涌泉跃鲤 ” 虽带有一些神话色彩,但姜诗夫妇的孝道孝行令人感叹。
Jiang Shi was a man of Guanghan, Sichuan in the East Han Dynasty.
He married Madam Pang and the couple was pious, Madam Pang often went to the riverside to fetch the Yangtze River water 6 to 7 li away from their home for her mother-in-law, which she liked to drink.
Her mother-in-law liked to eat fish, so the couple often cooked fish for her, she didn't like to eat by herself, so they invited the old woman nearby to eat with her together.
Once Madam Pang went to fetch water and came back later for strong wind, Jiang Shi suspected she neglected his mother and drove her out.
Madam Pang lived in her neighbor's home, wove yarn diligently day and night and asked her neighbor to send her savings to her mother-in-law, later her mother-in-law got to know she was driven out and ordered Jiang Shi to invite her back.
On the day when Madam Pang came back home, spring water spurted in the courtyard suddenly and its taste was similar to that of the Yangtze River water, moreover, two carps jumped out from the water every day. Henceforth Madam Pang could offer these to her mother-in-law instead of going a long way to the riverside.
有一天狂风暴雨肆虐,天气十分恶劣。庞氏仍如往常一样前 往沱江担水,但风雨实在太大,瘦小的庞氏如何受得了,于是昏倒在江边。
好不容易才醒过来,又赶忙提起桶,重新打了江水往回赶,因为回家太晚,婆婆却有点不 通情理,责骂了她,但她毫无怨言,反而侍奉得更殷勤了。
婆婆还有一个爱好,她特爱吃鱼,并要人陪着,声称那样吃 才有味道,夫妇俩尽力满足老人的嗜好,每天都烧鱼给母亲吃,并请来邻家的老大娘陪着她一块儿吃。
三五天无所谓,时间长了可就麻烦了,庞氏每天又要担水,又 要烧鱼,忙都忙不过来,而且还要经常买鱼,经济也承受不了,可又不敢怠慢母亲,这可怎么办呢 ?
说来也就奇了,正当他们一筹莫展时,他们家屋后突然冒出了 — 股泉水来,泉水如同沱江水一样清澈、甘甜,而且每天清晨,泉水里一定会冒出两条大鲤鱼,活蹦乱跳的,夫妻俩高兴极了,每天用新鲜的泉水和鲜嫩的鲤鱼孝敬母亲,不敢有丝毫松懈。
孝道孝行不是一时的心血来潮,而是出于永恒的真诚。 “ 涌泉跃鲤 ” 虽带有一些神话色彩,但姜诗夫妇的孝道孝行令人感叹。
Jiang Shi was a man of Guanghan, Sichuan in the East Han Dynasty.
He married Madam Pang and the couple was pious, Madam Pang often went to the riverside to fetch the Yangtze River water 6 to 7 li away from their home for her mother-in-law, which she liked to drink.
Her mother-in-law liked to eat fish, so the couple often cooked fish for her, she didn't like to eat by herself, so they invited the old woman nearby to eat with her together.
Once Madam Pang went to fetch water and came back later for strong wind, Jiang Shi suspected she neglected his mother and drove her out.
Madam Pang lived in her neighbor's home, wove yarn diligently day and night and asked her neighbor to send her savings to her mother-in-law, later her mother-in-law got to know she was driven out and ordered Jiang Shi to invite her back.
On the day when Madam Pang came back home, spring water spurted in the courtyard suddenly and its taste was similar to that of the Yangtze River water, moreover, two carps jumped out from the water every day. Henceforth Madam Pang could offer these to her mother-in-law instead of going a long way to the riverside.
东汉时期的蔡顺,年幼时便失去了父亲,母亲含辛茹苦地把他拉扯成人。他对母亲非常孝顺,常说 :“ 即使肝脑涂地,也报答不了母亲的养育之恩。 ”
他只好去挖野菜、剥树皮,煮熟捣烂了给母亲吃。 看着年迈的母亲吞咽得那么艰难,他难过得心如刀绞。
这时,一个赤眉军正好路过,看到蔡顺正忙碌着,便和颜悦色地问他采葚干什么 ?
蔡顺乐呵呵地说: “ 吃呀 ! 那边黑甜的给母亲吃,这边红涩的给自己吃。 ”
Cai Shun was a man in Runan (today's Henan) of the Han Dynasty.
His father died when he was young and he was very pious to his mother, his time coincided with the Chaos Caused Wang Mang and famine and living expenses were very high, he could not but pick mulberries as food for himself and his mother.
One day, he encountered the Red-Brow Army and the solders asked him: "Why do you put red mulberries and black mulberries into two baskets separately?"
Cai Shun answered: "The black mulberries are for my mother and the red mulberries are for myself."
The solders had compassion for his piety and gave him two deciliters of rice and one bovine hoof in respect.
他只好去挖野菜、剥树皮,煮熟捣烂了给母亲吃。 看着年迈的母亲吞咽得那么艰难,他难过得心如刀绞。
这时,一个赤眉军正好路过,看到蔡顺正忙碌着,便和颜悦色地问他采葚干什么 ?
蔡顺乐呵呵地说: “ 吃呀 ! 那边黑甜的给母亲吃,这边红涩的给自己吃。 ”
Cai Shun was a man in Runan (today's Henan) of the Han Dynasty.
His father died when he was young and he was very pious to his mother, his time coincided with the Chaos Caused Wang Mang and famine and living expenses were very high, he could not but pick mulberries as food for himself and his mother.
One day, he encountered the Red-Brow Army and the solders asked him: "Why do you put red mulberries and black mulberries into two baskets separately?"
Cai Shun answered: "The black mulberries are for my mother and the red mulberries are for myself."
The solders had compassion for his piety and gave him two deciliters of rice and one bovine hoof in respect.
夏天天气格外炎热,为了能让父亲睡个安稳觉,每次父亲 睡觉前,小黄香都用扇子为父亲将枕席扇凉:寒冷的冬天,他总是先钻进被子,用自己的身体给父亲暖热被褥,随后才叫父亲上床歇息。
太守刘护得知他的孝行,非 常惊讶,对他进行了表彰,并将他树为榜样,号召全郡守的儿童都来向他学习。后来,他的事迹被编入《三字经》中,供后人作为启蒙时期的学习资料。
孔子说过, “ 孝 ” 要建立在 “ 敬心 ” 的基础上,认为孝顺父母主要不在于给父母提供优越的生活条件,而在于有那份心、那份情。古时如此,现代亦然。
Huang Xiang was a man of Anlu, Jiangxia in the East Han Dynasty.
His mother died when he was nine years old and he was very pious to his father, he cooled the mattress with a fan in hot summer and warmed the quilt with his body in cold winter for his father.
He was familiar with classics when he was young and wrote beautiful articles. A saying circulated in the capital that "There is no parallel to Huang Xiang in Jiang Xia". When he was prefect of Wei County (in today's Hebei) in the period of Emperor An (107-125 A.D.), the county suffered a flood. Huang Xiang relieved the victims with all he had. He wrote the Poem of Jiugong and the Anthem to King's Crown.
夏天天气格外炎热,为了能让父亲睡个安稳觉,每次父亲 睡觉前,小黄香都用扇子为父亲将枕席扇凉:寒冷的冬天,他总是先钻进被子,用自己的身体给父亲暖热被褥,随后才叫父亲上床歇息。
太守刘护得知他的孝行,非 常惊讶,对他进行了表彰,并将他树为榜样,号召全郡守的儿童都来向他学习。后来,他的事迹被编入《三字经》中,供后人作为启蒙时期的学习资料。
孔子说过, “ 孝 ” 要建立在 “ 敬心 ” 的基础上,认为孝顺父母主要不在于给父母提供优越的生活条件,而在于有那份心、那份情。古时如此,现代亦然。
Huang Xiang was a man of Anlu, Jiangxia in the East Han Dynasty.
His mother died when he was nine years old and he was very pious to his father, he cooled the mattress with a fan in hot summer and warmed the quilt with his body in cold winter for his father.
He was familiar with classics when he was young and wrote beautiful articles. A saying circulated in the capital that "There is no parallel to Huang Xiang in Jiang Xia". When he was prefect of Wei County (in today's Hebei) in the period of Emperor An (107-125 A.D.), the county suffered a flood. Huang Xiang relieved the victims with all he had. He wrote the Poem of Jiugong and the Anthem to King's Crown.
他们有 — 个三岁的儿子,每次吃饭的时候,母亲都偷偷地从自己的碗里拔出一部分给这个小孙孙吃,小家伙二三口便将奶奶拨给自己的饭吃光了。
郭巨看着这令人心缩的一幕,对妻子说: “ 家里太穷,本来就没法供养好母亲,可是儿子不懂事,还要分吃母亲的食品,长此下去,母亲怎么支撑得住呢 ? 我想,咱们将儿子埋掉,就没人分吃母亲的饭食了,这样老人家兴许能多活几年。你我年轻,日后可以再生养,母亲万 — 有个三长两短, 如何是好 ?” 妻子拗不过他,无奈之下忍痛答应。
郭巨抱着儿子往外走,心如刀割,为了孝敬母亲,这是不得已而为之啊。他找到一块地,挥起锄头挖坑,要将儿子埋在此地。谁知,当他挖到三尺深的地方,忽然挖出一个陶罐,打开一看,里面装满了沉甸甸、亮闪闪的黄金,每 — 块黄金上还铸有字迹,写的是: “ 天赐孝子郭巨,官不得取,民不可夺。 ” 他大喜过望,没想到自己的一片孝心竟然感动上天。
郭巨为母埋儿至孝感天, 而其孝行却不合乎人情, 带有荒诞之色彩, 但由于人们从良好之愿望出发,孝子之孝行能够得到有益之回报和完满之结果,所以故事中出现之奇迹, 都是合乎情理者也。
Guo Ju was a man of Longlv (today's Linzhou, Anyang, Henan) or of Wen County in Henei (today's southeast of Wen County, Henan) in the East Han Dynasty.
His family's financial situation was originally well-off, after his father died, he divided the family property into two for his two younger brothers and supported his mother by himself, he was very pious to his mother and later his family's financial situation went worse gradually.
His wife gave birth to a boy and he was afraid that supporting this child would affect supporting his mother, so he said to his wife: "Children can be reborn but Mother cannot relive after death. It would be better for us to bury the son and save some food for Mother."
When they dug a hole, they suddenly found a jar of gold two thirds of a meter under the ground and on it was inscribed: "God give this to Guo Ju and officials may not take it and civilians should not possess it."
When the couple obtained the gold, they returned home to support their mother and foster the child as well.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
陆绩聪明伶俐,酷爱读书,博学多识,人称 “ 神童 ” ,颇有名气。六岁那年,他去九江拜见大名鼎鼎的袁术,一点也不怯场。袁术提的问题,他侃侃而谈,不卑不亢。袁术惊叹小陆绩的才学,破例地给他赐坐,还命人端来一盘桔子。
— 席长谈,袁术对小陆绩的才华非常满意。当他向袁术拜别时,怀中的桔子滴溜溜滚到了地上。袁术开始吓了一大跳,以为那是什么 “ 秘密武器 ” ,待看清那不过是桔子时,不禁哈哈大笑: “ 陆绩呀陆绩,今天你是我的贵客,怎么还偷桔子呢 ?”
陆绩不慌不忙,跪地答到: “ 我母亲爱吃桔子,您的桔子太好吃了,我想拿回家去给母亲尝个新鲜。 ” 他振振有辞,神色自若,一点也不显得难堪。
陆绩之孝行史籍记载只有一件事,但足以反映其为人。所谓: “ 当年桔子入怀日,正是天真烂漫时,纯孝成性忘小节,英雄从古类如斯。 ”
Lu Ji was a man of Huating, Wu County (today's Songjiang, Shanghai) in the period of the Three Kingdoms and a scientist.
When he was six years old, he went to Jiujiang with his father to call upon Yuan Shu.
The latter entertained them with oranges and Lu Ji hided two oranges under his clothes.
When they departed, the oranges fell to the ground and Yuan Shu laughed: "You came to my home as a guest.
Why should you take away the host’s oranges when you leave?" Lu Ji answered: "My mother likes to eat oranges and I want to take them back for my mother."
Yuan Shu was very surprised to learn he was pious to his mother at such a young age.
When Lu Ji was grown up, he was knowledgeable and knew astronomy and the calendar.
He drew the Armillary Sphere Map, annotated the Book of Changes and wrote the Annotations on Canon of Supreme Mystery.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
江革哭着哀告,诉说自己老母尚在,无人奉养,请求他们放他一条生路。盗贼见他这样孝顺,也起了恻隐之心,不忍杀他。 后来,江革辗转到江苏邳县,生活越发困顿,甚至连双鞋都没有,如何奉养母亲 ?
Jiang Ge was a man of Zibo, Kingdom Qi in the period of the East Han Dynasty,his father died when he was young and he was very pious to his mother.
He carried his mother on his back to avoid war and met with bandits on several occasions, they would kill him and he wept to say: "My mother is old and no one would support her."
Seeing he was pious, the bandits let him go.
Later he moved to Xiapi, Jiangsu and supported his mother by working as a laborer, he was poor and barefooted himself, but he supported his mother quite well.
He was recommended for his piety in the period of Emperor Ming and for his virtues and integrity in the period of Emperor Zhang and appointed general.
江革哭着哀告,诉说自己老母尚在,无人奉养,请求他们放他一条生路。盗贼见他这样孝顺,也起了恻隐之心,不忍杀他。 后来,江革辗转到江苏邳县,生活越发困顿,甚至连双鞋都没有,如何奉养母亲 ?
Jiang Ge was a man of Zibo, Kingdom Qi in the period of the East Han Dynasty,his father died when he was young and he was very pious to his mother.
He carried his mother on his back to avoid war and met with bandits on several occasions, they would kill him and he wept to say: "My mother is old and no one would support her."
Seeing he was pious, the bandits let him go.
Later he moved to Xiapi, Jiangsu and supported his mother by working as a laborer, he was poor and barefooted himself, but he supported his mother quite well.
He was recommended for his piety in the period of Emperor Ming and for his virtues and integrity in the period of Emperor Zhang and appointed general.
Monday, November 15, 2010
可是他的妻子便不这样想了,因为她从来就没有见过公婆,不知道怎样尽妇道,丈夫这般痴心地侍奉两个木像使她大惑不解,日子久了,对木像也就就不像以往那样恭敬了。 一天,丁兰又出了家门,他的妻子闲得无聊,便用一根针去戳木像的手指,边戳边开玩笑地问木像疼不疼,说来也怪,那木像的手指竟是湿漉漉的,像是在流血。
丁兰 “ 刻木为像 ” ,表达对父母的哀思, 事事叨念父母亲的 “ 劬劳之恩 ” ,其爱之深, 不言而喻 !
According to the legend, Ding Lan was a man of Henei (today's Anyang, Henan) in the East Han Dynasty.
Both his parents died when he was young, he often thought of his parents' love and care for him and therefore carved sculptures of his parents with wood.
He showed filial respect to the sculptures as if they were his parents, discussing everything with them, eating every meal only after paying respect to them, reporting to them before going out and meeting them right after returning home without fail.
As time went by, his wife didn't pay much respect to the wood sculptures and even pierced their fingers curiously.
Blood ran out of the fingers of the wood sculptures unexpectedly. When Ding Lan returned home, he saw tears in the eyes of the sculptures.
He got to know the fact from his wife and then repudiated her.
可是他的妻子便不这样想了,因为她从来就没有见过公婆,不知道怎样尽妇道,丈夫这般痴心地侍奉两个木像使她大惑不解,日子久了,对木像也就就不像以往那样恭敬了。 一天,丁兰又出了家门,他的妻子闲得无聊,便用一根针去戳木像的手指,边戳边开玩笑地问木像疼不疼,说来也怪,那木像的手指竟是湿漉漉的,像是在流血。
丁兰 “ 刻木为像 ” ,表达对父母的哀思, 事事叨念父母亲的 “ 劬劳之恩 ” ,其爱之深, 不言而喻 !
According to the legend, Ding Lan was a man of Henei (today's Anyang, Henan) in the East Han Dynasty.
Both his parents died when he was young, he often thought of his parents' love and care for him and therefore carved sculptures of his parents with wood.
He showed filial respect to the sculptures as if they were his parents, discussing everything with them, eating every meal only after paying respect to them, reporting to them before going out and meeting them right after returning home without fail.
As time went by, his wife didn't pay much respect to the wood sculptures and even pierced their fingers curiously.
Blood ran out of the fingers of the wood sculptures unexpectedly. When Ding Lan returned home, he saw tears in the eyes of the sculptures.
He got to know the fact from his wife and then repudiated her.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
无奈天有不测风云,老父一病不起,盍然逝去,董永伤心万分,哭得死去活来,更难办的事情还在后头,为了医治父亲的病,家里已一贫如洗,甚至连给父亲买棺材的钱都没有,怎样安葬老人家 ? 如何尽人子之孝 ? 后来,他实在无计可施,决定卖身葬父。
— 个富翁怜惜他,又见他诚实憨厚,便买下他,董永用卖身所得钱给父亲办了丧事,然后在父亲墓前搭了一间草棚,虔诚地为父亲守孝;三年孝满,他便履行卖身契约,到富翁家当长工抵债。
他正行至 — 棵老槐树下,遇到了一名女子,她主动要求嫁给董永为妻,并与他一同去富翁家抵债。
人们敬佩卖身葬父的董永,给董永的故事增加了仙女相助的美好传说,更有著名的黄梅戏曲《天仙配》,便是依此创作的。据说,湖北孝感县就是董永与仙女相见和分别之处,县名 “ 孝感 ” 即由此而来。
According to the legend, Dong Yong was a man of Qiancheng (today's north of Gaoqing County, Shandong) in the East Han Dynasty.
His mother died when he was young and the family moved to Anlu (in today's Hubei) to avoid the war.
Later, his father died and Dong Yong sold himself to a rich family as a slave so as to bury his father.
When he was on his way to work, Dong Yong met with a woman under a pagoda tree and she said that she was homeless, so they got married.
The woman wove 300 bolts of cloth in one month and bought back Dong Yong's freedom. When they passed the pagoda tree on their way home, the women told Dong Yong she was the daughter to the Emperor of Heaven and was ordered to help him repay the debt.
With that said, she flew away. Henceforth the pagoda tree was renamed "compassion for piety".
无奈天有不测风云,老父一病不起,盍然逝去,董永伤心万分,哭得死去活来,更难办的事情还在后头,为了医治父亲的病,家里已一贫如洗,甚至连给父亲买棺材的钱都没有,怎样安葬老人家 ? 如何尽人子之孝 ? 后来,他实在无计可施,决定卖身葬父。
— 个富翁怜惜他,又见他诚实憨厚,便买下他,董永用卖身所得钱给父亲办了丧事,然后在父亲墓前搭了一间草棚,虔诚地为父亲守孝;三年孝满,他便履行卖身契约,到富翁家当长工抵债。
他正行至 — 棵老槐树下,遇到了一名女子,她主动要求嫁给董永为妻,并与他一同去富翁家抵债。
人们敬佩卖身葬父的董永,给董永的故事增加了仙女相助的美好传说,更有著名的黄梅戏曲《天仙配》,便是依此创作的。据说,湖北孝感县就是董永与仙女相见和分别之处,县名 “ 孝感 ” 即由此而来。
According to the legend, Dong Yong was a man of Qiancheng (today's north of Gaoqing County, Shandong) in the East Han Dynasty.
His mother died when he was young and the family moved to Anlu (in today's Hubei) to avoid the war.
Later, his father died and Dong Yong sold himself to a rich family as a slave so as to bury his father.
When he was on his way to work, Dong Yong met with a woman under a pagoda tree and she said that she was homeless, so they got married.
The woman wove 300 bolts of cloth in one month and bought back Dong Yong's freedom. When they passed the pagoda tree on their way home, the women told Dong Yong she was the daughter to the Emperor of Heaven and was ordered to help him repay the debt.
With that said, she flew away. Henceforth the pagoda tree was renamed "compassion for piety".
Thursday, November 11, 2010
为了让父母生活得快乐和开心,他千方百计逗老人发笑,因怕引起老人家伤心,在他们面前,他从不说自己已老,更不在父母面前提 “ 老 ” 字。
孟子说: “ 人孝之人终身仰慕父母 ” 楚人老莱子就是这样的大孝之人。
俗语说: “ 笑一笑,十年少:恼一恼,老一老。 ” 父母年纪大了,怎么当得起忧愁、烦恼,老莱子正是深谙了这点,才做出了一些看似 “ 做作 ” 的举动。
有些子女, 总视老人为负担,不愿尽赡养老人的义务, 只巴望老人快点离世就好,这种思想令人备感心寒。更有甚者,面对老父母,他们明里暗里、口口声声都是 “ 老不死的 ” ,想想这对于垂暮之年、孤单寂寞的老人, 无异于扎在他们心头的尖刺。为人子女者,正应敬爱父母,如老莱子一样, 时时处处为父母营造出欢乐温馨的气氛。
Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period, he did farming at the south side of Meng Mountain to avoid the chaos in that period.
He held great filiality to his parents, he fed the parents with the most delicious food; entertained them with drum-shaped rattle playing when he was in his 70s, wearing colored clothes just like a child.
Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his parents, he tumbled.
He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed.
为了让父母生活得快乐和开心,他千方百计逗老人发笑,因怕引起老人家伤心,在他们面前,他从不说自己已老,更不在父母面前提 “ 老 ” 字。
孟子说: “ 人孝之人终身仰慕父母 ” 楚人老莱子就是这样的大孝之人。
俗语说: “ 笑一笑,十年少:恼一恼,老一老。 ” 父母年纪大了,怎么当得起忧愁、烦恼,老莱子正是深谙了这点,才做出了一些看似 “ 做作 ” 的举动。
有些子女, 总视老人为负担,不愿尽赡养老人的义务, 只巴望老人快点离世就好,这种思想令人备感心寒。更有甚者,面对老父母,他们明里暗里、口口声声都是 “ 老不死的 ” ,想想这对于垂暮之年、孤单寂寞的老人, 无异于扎在他们心头的尖刺。为人子女者,正应敬爱父母,如老莱子一样, 时时处处为父母营造出欢乐温馨的气氛。
Lao Laizi was an anchorite in Spring and Autumn Period, he did farming at the south side of Meng Mountain to avoid the chaos in that period.
He held great filiality to his parents, he fed the parents with the most delicious food; entertained them with drum-shaped rattle playing when he was in his 70s, wearing colored clothes just like a child.
Once, when he was on his way to bring water to his parents, he tumbled.
He thought the parents might be worried about him, he just cried on the floor like a child, which made the parents laughed.
他听医生说,治这种病最好的办法是食用鹿乳。但是,鹿乳在市场上不能买到,到哪儿去找?即使到深山里去找,鹿见到人,早 — 遛烟儿逃走了 ! 怎么办呢 ? 郯子冥思苦想,终于想到了一个办法。
他化了装,找来 — 张鹿皮披在身上,还在头上安了假角,然后趴在地上左蹦右跳的,远远看去,极像一头顽皮的小鹿。
郯子就这样扮成小鹿,学着鹿走路的样子,学着鹿 “ 呦呦 ” 的叫,骗取鹿的信任,混进了鹿群中,取母鹿的乳汁给父母亲治病。
一次,他忽然发现林中有一支箭对准自己,顿时意识到,那是猎人的箭,猎人并不知道他是 “ 一只假鹿 ” 。
慌忙中他赶紧站起来,迎着利箭大喊 “ 别射 ! 别射 ! 我是人 !” 猎人被郯子的孝心孝行深深地感动了,竟然表示以后再也不射杀鹿。
Tan Tzu was a man in the Spring and Autumn Period. As his parents were very old and suffered from eye disease, they need to drink deer's milk for treatment.
Tan Tzu wore a piece of deerskin and groped into the mountains; he sneaked into herds of deer and squeezed deer's milk to serve parents.
On one occasion when he was taking milk, he saw a hunter was going to shoot a muntjac deer, Tan Tzu lifted deerskin and appeared in a hurry, and then he told this hunter about the facts of squeezing deer's milk to cure patients' disease.
The hunter respect his filial piety and donated deer's milk. Finally, the hunter escorted him out of the mountains.
他听医生说,治这种病最好的办法是食用鹿乳。但是,鹿乳在市场上不能买到,到哪儿去找?即使到深山里去找,鹿见到人,早 — 遛烟儿逃走了 ! 怎么办呢 ? 郯子冥思苦想,终于想到了一个办法。
他化了装,找来 — 张鹿皮披在身上,还在头上安了假角,然后趴在地上左蹦右跳的,远远看去,极像一头顽皮的小鹿。
郯子就这样扮成小鹿,学着鹿走路的样子,学着鹿 “ 呦呦 ” 的叫,骗取鹿的信任,混进了鹿群中,取母鹿的乳汁给父母亲治病。
一次,他忽然发现林中有一支箭对准自己,顿时意识到,那是猎人的箭,猎人并不知道他是 “ 一只假鹿 ” 。
慌忙中他赶紧站起来,迎着利箭大喊 “ 别射 ! 别射 ! 我是人 !” 猎人被郯子的孝心孝行深深地感动了,竟然表示以后再也不射杀鹿。
Tan Tzu was a man in the Spring and Autumn Period. As his parents were very old and suffered from eye disease, they need to drink deer's milk for treatment.
Tan Tzu wore a piece of deerskin and groped into the mountains; he sneaked into herds of deer and squeezed deer's milk to serve parents.
On one occasion when he was taking milk, he saw a hunter was going to shoot a muntjac deer, Tan Tzu lifted deerskin and appeared in a hurry, and then he told this hunter about the facts of squeezing deer's milk to cure patients' disease.
The hunter respect his filial piety and donated deer's milk. Finally, the hunter escorted him out of the mountains.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
寒冷的冬天来了,后母给两位弟弟缝制了厚厚的棉衣,给闵损做的棉衣里塞的却 是芦花,不能御寒。闵损常常冷得蜷作一团,但他什么也不说。
回到家,父亲便想休了后母,闵损忙跪下来对父亲说: “ 有母亲在,只有我一个人受冻,如果母亲走了,两个弟弟也只有单衣穿,这样我们三个都会受冻的。请求父亲让母亲留下来吧 !”
大抵作后母的总是有一些偏心,但闵损在父亲弄明白实情后,并没有借此发泄对后母的怨恨,而是以大局为重,舍己为家,积极为后母开脱、辩护,以保住全家的安宁。这是多么感人的孝行 ! 这是多么宽阔的胸襟 !
Min Sun, with the alias of Ziqian, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period, he was a disciple of Confucius, among all disciples of Confucius, he stood comparison with Yan Yuan in terms of moral conduct.
Confucius ever praised him as follows:"How filial Min Ziqian is!" (Xian Jin, the tenth chapter of Analects of Confucius) Min Sun's mother died very early.
Later his father took another wife, who gave birth to two sons.
The stepmother mistreated Min Sun - in winter, while two younger brothers wore winter clothes made of cotton, Min Sun only wore "reed catkins-padded cotton clothes."
One day, he followed his father to go out.
When towing the chariot, Min Sun shivered because he felt very cold and the rope dropped onto the ground.
Then his father scolded and lashed him. The reed catkins flew out from the broken seam of the flimsy clothes, and then father knew that Min Sun had been mistreated.
After the father returned home, he wanted to divorce his wife, Min Sun fell on his knees and begged his father to forgive stepmother.
He said: "If mother stays at home, only I myself have to endure cold. But if you divorce from mother, all three children have to suffer from cold."
His father was deeply moved and took Min Sun's advice. The stepmother heard of this, felt remorseful and owned up to her mistakes.
Subsequently, she treated Min Sun as her own son.
寒冷的冬天来了,后母给两位弟弟缝制了厚厚的棉衣,给闵损做的棉衣里塞的却 是芦花,不能御寒。闵损常常冷得蜷作一团,但他什么也不说。
回到家,父亲便想休了后母,闵损忙跪下来对父亲说: “ 有母亲在,只有我一个人受冻,如果母亲走了,两个弟弟也只有单衣穿,这样我们三个都会受冻的。请求父亲让母亲留下来吧 !”
大抵作后母的总是有一些偏心,但闵损在父亲弄明白实情后,并没有借此发泄对后母的怨恨,而是以大局为重,舍己为家,积极为后母开脱、辩护,以保住全家的安宁。这是多么感人的孝行 ! 这是多么宽阔的胸襟 !
Min Sun, with the alias of Ziqian, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period, he was a disciple of Confucius, among all disciples of Confucius, he stood comparison with Yan Yuan in terms of moral conduct.
Confucius ever praised him as follows:"How filial Min Ziqian is!" (Xian Jin, the tenth chapter of Analects of Confucius) Min Sun's mother died very early.
Later his father took another wife, who gave birth to two sons.
The stepmother mistreated Min Sun - in winter, while two younger brothers wore winter clothes made of cotton, Min Sun only wore "reed catkins-padded cotton clothes."
One day, he followed his father to go out.
When towing the chariot, Min Sun shivered because he felt very cold and the rope dropped onto the ground.
Then his father scolded and lashed him. The reed catkins flew out from the broken seam of the flimsy clothes, and then father knew that Min Sun had been mistreated.
After the father returned home, he wanted to divorce his wife, Min Sun fell on his knees and begged his father to forgive stepmother.
He said: "If mother stays at home, only I myself have to endure cold. But if you divorce from mother, all three children have to suffer from cold."
His father was deeply moved and took Min Sun's advice. The stepmother heard of this, felt remorseful and owned up to her mistakes.
Subsequently, she treated Min Sun as her own son.
春秋时的卞州人 仲由,字子路,小时候家里非常穷,他侍奉父母却是极尽孝心,即使家徒四壁,也要竭尽所能让父母吃好穿好,而自己往往只随便吃些粗粮。
有一次,家里没有粮食 吃了,卞州的粮价却一路飞涨,家里仅剩的那些钱已无法维持下去。子路听说百里之外的某地粮价较低,便不分昼夜地亲自赶往那里买了米,扛着回家,看着父母又能吃上香喷喷的米饭,他心里乐滋兹的。
子路却一点也不高兴,面对着自己拥有的一切往往黯然神伤,叹息着对人说: “ 我现在虽然高贵了,可我的父母在哪里 ?
虽然我还想吃粗粮,还想像当年一样肩扛米袋步行百里回家,可是这一切都没有机会了。 ”.
当今的儿女是如何侍奉双亲的 ? 新闻媒体时有报道:父母年老体弱,遗弃之,甚至逐出家门,沦落为丐;更恶劣的还杀害父母 ! 为此,我们应竭力弘扬古人恪尽孝道的精神 !
Zhong You, with the alias of Zilu or Jilu, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was a favorite disciple of Confucius.
He possessed frank and courageous characters, and was very filial. At an early age, as his family was poor, he often took wild vegetables as food, but still he carried sacks of rice for more than a hundred li to raise his parents.
After his parents died, he became a high-ranking official, and then was dispatched to the State of Chu, followed by a hundred chariots and with 10,000 zhong (ancient unit of capacity) of grain in store.
Sat upon many layers of brocade mattress and enjoyed sumptuous feast before rows of tripods of food, he often missed his parents and sighed: "Even if I am willing to go back to the times when I ate wild vegetables and carried rice for more than a hundred li to raise my parents, how could that be possible?"
Confucius praised: "You took care of your parents, which can be commented as doing one’s best during parents’ lifetime and missing parents after they depart out of this world!" (Zhi Si of Confucius Family Instructions).
有一次,家里没有粮食 吃了,卞州的粮价却一路飞涨,家里仅剩的那些钱已无法维持下去。子路听说百里之外的某地粮价较低,便不分昼夜地亲自赶往那里买了米,扛着回家,看着父母又能吃上香喷喷的米饭,他心里乐滋兹的。
子路却一点也不高兴,面对着自己拥有的一切往往黯然神伤,叹息着对人说: “ 我现在虽然高贵了,可我的父母在哪里 ?
虽然我还想吃粗粮,还想像当年一样肩扛米袋步行百里回家,可是这一切都没有机会了。 ”.
当今的儿女是如何侍奉双亲的 ? 新闻媒体时有报道:父母年老体弱,遗弃之,甚至逐出家门,沦落为丐;更恶劣的还杀害父母 ! 为此,我们应竭力弘扬古人恪尽孝道的精神 !
Zhong You, with the alias of Zilu or Jilu, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was a favorite disciple of Confucius.
He possessed frank and courageous characters, and was very filial. At an early age, as his family was poor, he often took wild vegetables as food, but still he carried sacks of rice for more than a hundred li to raise his parents.
After his parents died, he became a high-ranking official, and then was dispatched to the State of Chu, followed by a hundred chariots and with 10,000 zhong (ancient unit of capacity) of grain in store.
Sat upon many layers of brocade mattress and enjoyed sumptuous feast before rows of tripods of food, he often missed his parents and sighed: "Even if I am willing to go back to the times when I ate wild vegetables and carried rice for more than a hundred li to raise my parents, how could that be possible?"
Confucius praised: "You took care of your parents, which can be commented as doing one’s best during parents’ lifetime and missing parents after they depart out of this world!" (Zhi Si of Confucius Family Instructions).
常言道: “ 十指连心,母子是命” ,正奋力砍柴的曾参忽然心痛难忍,想念起家里的母亲,背起柴薪飞奔回家。
一进家门,只见母亲坐着呆望门外,忙跪问有什么事情。母亲告诉他: “ 刚才家里来了客人,我没办法接待,急了咬自己的手指以引起你的注意,让你早点回来,你快去招待客人吧。 ”
母亲说: “ 我思念你心切,又不知你什么时候回来,又愁又急,无可奈何之中又咬了手指,不料你果然回来了,这样我的心也就宽慰了。 ”
啮指心痛, 是一种心灵感应。情至深处,心灵相通。 “ 孝 ” 即是子女对双亲情深挚爱的表现。曾参每每心痛, 则念起母亲,这是一种深切的骨肉之情。
Zeng Shen, with the alias of Ziyu, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was also a favorite disciple of Confucius, he was called as "Zeng Tzu" with high reputation as a filial exemplar.
When he was young, he often went into the mountains to gather firewood because his family was very poor.
One day, a guest visited his home and his mother became perplexed, she bit her fingers with teeth, and Zeng Shen suddenly felt a pain in his heart.
He knew his mother was calling on himself, so he quickly returned home with firewood. He then knelt down in front of his mother and asked what had happened.
His Mother said: "A guest came unexpectedly, so I hope you to come back by biting my own fingers." Then Zeng Shen met with guest and treated with courtesy.
The knowledgeable Zeng Shen once put forward the self-cultivation method of "I reflect myself for three times a day" (Xue Er, the first chapter of Analects of Confucius).
According to legend, he authored the Great Learning, Book of Filial Piety and other Confucian classics, the later generations of Confucian scholars respect him as the "Exemplar.
常言道: “ 十指连心,母子是命” ,正奋力砍柴的曾参忽然心痛难忍,想念起家里的母亲,背起柴薪飞奔回家。
一进家门,只见母亲坐着呆望门外,忙跪问有什么事情。母亲告诉他: “ 刚才家里来了客人,我没办法接待,急了咬自己的手指以引起你的注意,让你早点回来,你快去招待客人吧。 ”
母亲说: “ 我思念你心切,又不知你什么时候回来,又愁又急,无可奈何之中又咬了手指,不料你果然回来了,这样我的心也就宽慰了。 ”
啮指心痛, 是一种心灵感应。情至深处,心灵相通。 “ 孝 ” 即是子女对双亲情深挚爱的表现。曾参每每心痛, 则念起母亲,这是一种深切的骨肉之情。
Zeng Shen, with the alias of Ziyu, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was also a favorite disciple of Confucius, he was called as "Zeng Tzu" with high reputation as a filial exemplar.
When he was young, he often went into the mountains to gather firewood because his family was very poor.
One day, a guest visited his home and his mother became perplexed, she bit her fingers with teeth, and Zeng Shen suddenly felt a pain in his heart.
He knew his mother was calling on himself, so he quickly returned home with firewood. He then knelt down in front of his mother and asked what had happened.
His Mother said: "A guest came unexpectedly, so I hope you to come back by biting my own fingers." Then Zeng Shen met with guest and treated with courtesy.
The knowledgeable Zeng Shen once put forward the self-cultivation method of "I reflect myself for three times a day" (Xue Er, the first chapter of Analects of Confucius).
According to legend, he authored the Great Learning, Book of Filial Piety and other Confucian classics, the later generations of Confucian scholars respect him as the "Exemplar.
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