寒冷的冬天来了,后母给两位弟弟缝制了厚厚的棉衣,给闵损做的棉衣里塞的却 是芦花,不能御寒。闵损常常冷得蜷作一团,但他什么也不说。

回到家,父亲便想休了后母,闵损忙跪下来对父亲说: “ 有母亲在,只有我一个人受冻,如果母亲走了,两个弟弟也只有单衣穿,这样我们三个都会受冻的。请求父亲让母亲留下来吧 !”
大抵作后母的总是有一些偏心,但闵损在父亲弄明白实情后,并没有借此发泄对后母的怨恨,而是以大局为重,舍己为家,积极为后母开脱、辩护,以保住全家的安宁。这是多么感人的孝行 ! 这是多么宽阔的胸襟 !
Min Sun, with the alias of Ziqian, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period, he was a disciple of Confucius, among all disciples of Confucius, he stood comparison with Yan Yuan in terms of moral conduct.
Confucius ever praised him as follows:"How filial Min Ziqian is!" (Xian Jin, the tenth chapter of Analects of Confucius) Min Sun's mother died very early.
Later his father took another wife, who gave birth to two sons.
The stepmother mistreated Min Sun - in winter, while two younger brothers wore winter clothes made of cotton, Min Sun only wore "reed catkins-padded cotton clothes."
One day, he followed his father to go out.
When towing the chariot, Min Sun shivered because he felt very cold and the rope dropped onto the ground.
Then his father scolded and lashed him. The reed catkins flew out from the broken seam of the flimsy clothes, and then father knew that Min Sun had been mistreated.
After the father returned home, he wanted to divorce his wife, Min Sun fell on his knees and begged his father to forgive stepmother.
He said: "If mother stays at home, only I myself have to endure cold. But if you divorce from mother, all three children have to suffer from cold."
His father was deeply moved and took Min Sun's advice. The stepmother heard of this, felt remorseful and owned up to her mistakes.
Subsequently, she treated Min Sun as her own son.