Monday, November 8, 2010



虽 然如此,舜并无丝毫怨恨之心,依然孝顺父亲和后母,对弟弟亦很友好,且做事非常认真努力。他这种宽大的胸襟与孝顺的行为,感动了上天,当他在山东的历山耕 种时,据说有大象来帮他耕田,飞鸟来帮他除草,这都是至诚无私的孝心,才能感动动物来帮忙!

当时的皇帝尧听到了舜的故事,便请舜去国家政事,并且派九个人 协助他;经过几年的考核,证明舜确实很贤能之后,就把两个女儿娥皇和女英嫁给他,最后更把皇帝之位禅让给他,让他来管理和领导国家。


虞舜孝行天下,继尧之后, 盛世昌明,可见 为百善之首,对于安邦经国,何其重要 ! 泱泱中华,五千年文明,孝道即是根本。虞舜宽厚仁慈孝敬父母友爱兄弟其孝感动天之德历来被列为廿四孝之首。

Shun, a legendary ancient emperor and one of the Five Emperors, had a surname of Yao and a last name of Chonghua.

He was also known as Yushi or called as Yushun in Chinese history, according to the legend, his father Gusou (literally the blind old-man), stepmother and half brother Xiang plotted to kill him for many times.

They let Shun revamp the roof of granary and set fire under the barn, Shun jumped to escape with two bamboo hats in hand; they also let Shun dig a well, but Gusou and Xiang filled soil to the well while the digging, Shun then dug underground tunnel to escape.

Afterwards, Shun didn't resent and was still humble to his father and loved his younger brother, his conducts of filial piety moved the King of Heaven, when Shun cultivated in Mount Li, elephants ploughed for him while birds weeded for him.

Emperor Yao heard that Shun was a filial son with the talents of dealing with political affairs, and married off his two daughters, Ehuang and Nvying, to Shun, through years of observation and tests, Emperor Yao selected Shun as his successor.

After Shun ascended the throne as the Son of Heaven, he still called on his father respectfully, and granted the leud title to Xiang.

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