Friday, November 19, 2010


唐朝崔山南的曾祖母长孙夫人,年龄大,牙齿都脱落了,吃东西很不方便。祖母唐夫人 ( 即崔唐氏 ) 很有孝心。每天,她总是第一个起床,帮婆婆穿衣服,替婆婆洗脸、梳头。接着,她小心翼翼地将婆婆搀扶到厅堂坐下,一口一口地喂婆婆喝奶。


一天长孙夫人因年事过高而卧病不起了。她知道自己不久将离开人世,便把全家老小召集到病床前,拉着唐氏的手说: 我没有什么能报答媳妇你的恩德,只愿你的儿媳妇、孙媳妇也都会像你一样,恭敬孝顺,我就心满意足了。


这是一个四代同堂的大家庭, 作为崔山南的祖母崔唐氏, 在这个家庭中已属尊长之辈了。 但她对自己的婆婆,仍如孝子贤孙一样。她的孝行不但使婆婆长孙夫人长寿,也为自己的子孙作出了孝敬老人的榜样。

她的后代子孙即使发达显贵,仍对她和其他长辈非常孝顺,这就是以身作则的善果。所以后人有诗道: 孝顺还生孝顺子,忤逆还生忤逆儿。不信但看檐前雨, 点点滴滴不差移。

俗言道: 一代人做给一代人看 在孝道上, 以身作则,弥足重要。长辈的孝行就是晚辈的楷模。

Cui Shannan was a man of Boling (in today’s Hebei) in the period of the Tang Dynasty. He was a local official of Shannan Xidao and people nicknamed him "Shannan".

His great grandma Madam Zhangsun was old and without teeth and his grandma Madam Tang was very pious. She fed her mother-in-law with her milk every day after taking a bath and did this for many years.

Later, Madam Zhangsun didn't eat other food and was still healthy. When she was ill, Madam Zhangsun summoned all her family members and said: "I have nothing to thank my daughter-in-law and just hope her children and grand children would be as pious to her as she is to me."

Later Cui Shannan became a high-ranking official and he was pious to his Grandma Madam Tang just as Madam Zhangsun had expected.

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