Monday, November 15, 2010





可是他的妻子便不这样想了,因为她从来就没有见过公婆,不知道怎样尽妇道,丈夫这般痴心地侍奉两个木像使她大惑不解,日子久了,对木像也就就不像以往那样恭敬了。 一天,丁兰又出了家门,他的妻子闲得无聊,便用一根针去戳木像的手指,边戳边开玩笑地问木像疼不疼,说来也怪,那木像的手指竟是湿漉漉的,像是在流血。


丁兰 “ 刻木为像 ” ,表达对父母的哀思, 事事叨念父母亲的 “ 劬劳之恩 ” ,其爱之深, 不言而喻 !

According to the legend, Ding Lan was a man of Henei (today's Anyang, Henan) in the East Han Dynasty.

Both his parents died when he was young, he often thought of his parents' love and care for him and therefore carved sculptures of his parents with wood.

He showed filial respect to the sculptures as if they were his parents, discussing everything with them, eating every meal only after paying respect to them, reporting to them before going out and meeting them right after returning home without fail.

As time went by, his wife didn't pay much respect to the wood sculptures and even pierced their fingers curiously.

Blood ran out of the fingers of the wood sculptures unexpectedly. When Ding Lan returned home, he saw tears in the eyes of the sculptures.

He got to know the fact from his wife and then repudiated her.

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