Thursday, November 18, 2010



有一天狂风暴雨肆虐,天气十分恶劣。庞氏仍如往常一样前 往沱江担水,但风雨实在太大,瘦小的庞氏如何受得了,于是昏倒在江边。

好不容易才醒过来,又赶忙提起桶,重新打了江水往回赶,因为回家太晚,婆婆却有点不 通情理,责骂了她,但她毫无怨言,反而侍奉得更殷勤了。


婆婆还有一个爱好,她特爱吃鱼,并要人陪着,声称那样吃 才有味道,夫妇俩尽力满足老人的嗜好,每天都烧鱼给母亲吃,并请来邻家的老大娘陪着她一块儿吃。

三五天无所谓,时间长了可就麻烦了,庞氏每天又要担水,又 要烧鱼,忙都忙不过来,而且还要经常买鱼,经济也承受不了,可又不敢怠慢母亲,这可怎么办呢 ?

说来也就奇了,正当他们一筹莫展时,他们家屋后突然冒出了 股泉水来,泉水如同沱江水一样清澈、甘甜,而且每天清晨,泉水里一定会冒出两条大鲤鱼,活蹦乱跳的,夫妻俩高兴极了,每天用新鲜的泉水和鲜嫩的鲤鱼孝敬母亲,不敢有丝毫松懈。

孝道孝行不是一时的心血来潮,而是出于永恒的真诚。 涌泉跃鲤 虽带有一些神话色彩,但姜诗夫妇的孝道孝行令人感叹。


Jiang Shi was a man of Guanghan, Sichuan in the East Han Dynasty.

He married Madam Pang and the couple was pious, Madam Pang often went to the riverside to fetch the Yangtze River water 6 to 7 li away from their home for her mother-in-law, which she liked to drink.

Her mother-in-law liked to eat fish, so the couple often cooked fish for her, she didn't like to eat by herself, so they invited the old woman nearby to eat with her together.

Once Madam Pang went to fetch water and came back later for strong wind, Jiang Shi suspected she neglected his mother and drove her out.

Madam Pang lived in her neighbor's home, wove yarn diligently day and night and asked her neighbor to send her savings to her mother-in-law, later her mother-in-law got to know she was driven out and ordered Jiang Shi to invite her back.

On the day when Madam Pang came back home, spring water spurted in the courtyard suddenly and its taste was similar to that of the Yangtze River water, moreover, two carps jumped out from the water every day. Henceforth Madam Pang could offer these to her mother-in-law instead of going a long way to the riverside.

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