Wednesday, November 10, 2010


春秋时的卞州人 仲由,字子路,小时候家里非常穷,他侍奉父母却是极尽孝心,即使家徒四壁,也要竭尽所能让父母吃好穿好,而自己往往只随便吃些粗粮。

有一次,家里没有粮食 吃了,卞州的粮价却一路飞涨,家里仅剩的那些钱已无法维持下去。子路听说百里之外的某地粮价较低,便不分昼夜地亲自赶往那里买了米,扛着回家,看着父母又能吃上香喷喷的米饭,他心里乐滋兹的。



我现在虽然高贵了,可我的父母在哪里 ?

虽然我还想吃粗粮,还想像当年一样肩扛米袋步行百里回家,可是这一切都没有机会了。 ”.

当今的儿女是如何侍奉双亲的 ? 新闻媒体时有报道:父母年老体弱,遗弃之,甚至逐出家门,沦落为丐;更恶劣的还杀害父母 ! 为此,我们应竭力弘扬古人恪尽孝道的精神 !


Zhong You, with the alias of Zilu or Jilu, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was a favorite disciple of Confucius.

He possessed frank and courageous characters, and was very filial. At an early age, as his family was poor, he often took wild vegetables as food, but still he carried sacks of rice for more than a hundred li to raise his parents.

After his parents died, he became a high-ranking official, and then was dispatched to the State of Chu, followed by a hundred chariots and with 10,000 zhong (ancient unit of capacity) of grain in store.

Sat upon many layers of brocade mattress and enjoyed sumptuous feast before rows of tripods of food, he often missed his parents and sighed: "Even if I am willing to go back to the times when I ate wild vegetables and carried rice for more than a hundred li to raise my parents, how could that be possible?"

Confucius praised: "You took care of your parents, which can be commented as doing one’s best during parents’ lifetime and missing parents after they depart out of this world!" (Zhi Si of Confucius Family Instructions).

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