Tuesday, November 9, 2010



三年里,汉文帝每日勤理朝政,下朝后便衣不解带地陪伴在薄太后病床前,给太后煎好的汤药尝药,他总要亲 自尝过才放心地让母亲服用,唯恐药饵失调。

那些日子里,汉文帝往往通宵达旦陪伴在母亲身边,整日整夜的没法合眼。三年后,母亲的身体终于康复,他却由于操 劳过度累倒了。


俗话说: 身体力行 上行下效 ,汉文帝贵为一国之君,却能如此尽心服侍母亲, 实在让人崇敬,也难怪他能得天下人心。他能取得那么卓著的政绩,开创出汉朝的盛世,正是笃行孝道的必然结果。

Liu Heng, Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and the third son of the First Emperor of the Han Dynasty, was the son of Empress Bo.

In the eighth year of Empress Bo (180 B.C.), he succeeded to the throne. He was famous for being kind and pious and never failed to wait upon his mother.

His mother was ill for three years on bed and he was often sleepless, he always tasted the decoctions of medicinal ingredients for his mother's safety before letting her drink.

He reigned for 24 years and emphasized virtues, advocated etiquette and paid attention to the development of agriculture, which made the West Han Dynasty stable, population flourish and economy recover and develop.

His reign and that of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty were reputed together as the "Peaceful Reigns of Emperors Wen and Jing".

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