Thursday, November 18, 2010


他们有 个三岁的儿子,每次吃饭的时候,母亲都偷偷地从自己的碗里拔出一部分给这个小孙孙吃,小家伙二三口便将奶奶拨给自己的饭吃光了。

法供养好母亲,可是儿子不懂事,还要分吃母亲的食品,长此下去,母亲怎么支撑得住呢 ? 我想,咱们将儿子埋掉,就没人分吃母亲的饭食了,这样老人家兴许能多活几年。你我年轻,日后可以再生养,母亲万 有个三长两短, 如何是好 ?” 妻子拗不过他,无奈之下忍痛答应。

一块地,挥起锄头挖坑,要将儿子埋在此地。谁知,当他挖到三尺深的地方,忽然挖出一个陶罐,打开一看,里面装满了沉甸甸、亮闪闪的黄金,每 块黄金上还铸有字迹,写的是: 天赐孝子郭巨,官不得取,民不可夺。 他大喜过望,没想到自己的一片孝心竟然感动上天。

郭巨为母埋儿至孝感天, 而其孝行却不合乎人情, 带有荒诞之色彩, 但由于人们从良好之愿望出发,孝子之孝行能够得到有益之回报和完满之结果,所以故事中出现之奇迹, 都是合乎情理者也。


Guo Ju was a man of Longlv (today's Linzhou, Anyang, Henan) or of Wen County in Henei (today's southeast of Wen County, Henan) in the East Han Dynasty.

His family's financial situation was originally well-off, after his father died, he divided the family property into two for his two younger brothers and supported his mother by himself, he was very pious to his mother and later his family's financial situation went worse gradually.

His wife gave birth to a boy and he was afraid that supporting this child would affect supporting his mother, so he said to his wife: "Children can be reborn but Mother cannot relive after death. It would be better for us to bury the son and save some food for Mother."

When they dug a hole, they suddenly found a jar of gold two thirds of a meter under the ground and on it was inscribed: "God give this to Guo Ju and officials may not take it and civilians should not possess it."

When the couple obtained the gold, they returned home to support their mother and foster the child as well.

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